Space Invaders is a rich and unique dance-theater performance, and watching it is an aesthetically pleasing experience. Space Invaders continues the Company's unique style, with dance that is filled with expression, emotion, and humor. The performance offers a critical and amusing look at reality, and takes viewers on a journey of musical and kinetic rhythms and styles, with lots of humor. It comprises solo and ensemble pieces, with movement that is at times realistically theatrical and sometimes abstract. Company member actor Zvi Fishzon reads literary texts in different languages, including "Luna and Death" by Lorca, and excerpts from Dante's "The Divine Comedy". The nature and spirit of the show make it possible to be narrative on one hand, but also very abstract or cabaret-like on the other. The spoken and written words serve as another artistic element.
Choreographer: Avshalom Pollak
Rehearsal Manager: Michal Almogi Shalmon
Performers: Zvi Fishzon, Noga Harmelin, Mats van Russom, Rebecca Laufer,